As always, we couldn’t bring such important topics and forums for learning and open discussion without our Sponsors. We have multiple sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities available.
Sponsorships must be purchased no later than March 31 so that logos may be included on conference signage. Exhibitor booths are separate from the sponsorship and require a couple forms in addition to the registration (scroll down for details). You can pay for sponsorships and exhibitor booths by credit card or request to be invoiced by emailing For those early birds, let us know if you'd like to be invoiced in 2024 or 2025. If you are unsure about your membership status, please contact
GOLD SPONSORS - $4,700 Member / $5,000 Nonmember SOLD
PAC FUNDRAISER EVENT - $3,300 Member / $3,500 Nonmember SOLD
SILVER SPONSORS - $2,350 Member / $2,500 Nonmember
NAME TAG SPONSOR - $1,900 Member / $2,000 Nonmember SOLD
PODIUM SPONSOR - $1,900 Member / $2,000 Nonmember SOLD
ELECTRONICS CHARGING STATION SPONSOR – $1,425 Member / $1,500 Non-Member
1 available at registration , 1 inside main meeting room INSIDE ONE SOLD
WIFI SPONSOR - $1,425 Member / $1,500 Non-Member SOLD
BRONZE SPONSORS - $950 Member / $1,000 Nonmember
Please note that sponsorships are not eligible for refunds.
Exhibitor booths can be added to a sponsorship or purchased separately if you are not sponsoring. (Note that a complimentary exhibitor booth is included with a Gold Sponsorship.)
Exhibitor registration rates are listed below. There is a discounted rate for additional registrants from the same company. Your dues must be current to register at the “Member rate”. Contact Jean Marie Felder, TABA's Meeting Planner, directly at 512-881-1752 or email her at if you are not sure about the status of your dues.
The Cost for Exhibitor Booths is:
Member (includes one attendee) – $1,100
Additional Attendees Same Member Company- $475
Non Member (includes one attendee) – $1,850
Additional Attendees Same Non-Member Company- $475
Booth spaces are 6′ tables around the perimeter of the Atrium, in front of the Conference Room. All conference meals, breaks and the reception will take place in the atrium. Booth space will be assigned in the order registrations are received.
All exhibitors must sign and return an Exhibitors Contract to TABA. Any AV needs, such as electricity, will need to be handled through the AV company being used for the conference.
Remember, you will also need to register your attendees. The registration fee includes one attendee.
If you have any questions, please contact Jean Marie Felder at or (512) 881-1752.
Please note that exhibit booths are eligible for 50% refund up to three weeks prior to the first day of the event.